All details and information about our website igg-gamer.com website are for only private uses. No files are hosted in our server and these files are indexed in a similar way to how Google works. The ISP and Administrator cannot be held responsible for any content of any linked sites or any link contained in a linked site, or changing or updating in such sites.

Content Removal:
It is, however, our policy to respond to Valid infringement notices from any of the person or company and to take appropriate action according to copyright laws that we are in compliance with igg-gamer.com is in full compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act i.e. DCMA and International laws for Copyrights. We only comply with notices provided we can take the following steps against it are:

  1. Write an email about DCMA and declare the page on igg-gamer.com where you or your company believe for copyrighted materials are presented.
  2. Provide us complete contact information so that we can contact you about these issues as we have to handle these problems i.e. your name, email address, and company name.
  3. Provide proof with evidence that you declare it as copyright.

We urge all Copyright Owners if you find that content in this site holds the copyright ask us and contact us.

If you want to send a DCMA takedown request please keep in mind that we require sometimes as you know that being always in touch with email or the internet is not possible we take about 1 week for processing.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copyright law that allows specific files to be removed by their owners if they are being used without proper permission. In order to file a complaint, connect with us and we will respond to you in 24 hours.

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